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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tunjuk Langit Coffee

Tunjuk Langit Coffee is made of 100% Swietenia Fruit Pure Extract, Premium Arabica Coffee, non-diary creamer and sweetener (Stevia) This special coffee uses Stevia, which is a natural, non-caloric, sweet-tasting plant used around the world for its pleasant taste, as well as for its increasingly researched potential for inhibiting fat absorption and lowering blood pressure. Finally, a superb coffee for diabetics and people with low sugar tolerance and not to mention people with high blood pressure!

The Swietenia Fruit Capsules

The Swietenia Fruit has been taken traditionally by men and women of all ages for health maintenance and also for ailments of diseases that are related to human blood circulation. The overall effect of taking the Swietenia Fruit capsules is that your body will naturally heal itself as a direct result of greatly improved circulation. When all cells receive enough oxygen and nutrients and have their wastes removed, they are revitalised and become healthy. With no known adverse side effects, consumption of Swietenia Fruit capsules increases our body's metabolism, which translates into more calories burned.